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Retrofit FREE introductory course

This course is tailored for non-technical individuals, including residents, property managers, and administrative staff. It's ideal for anyone interested in the basics of Domestic Retrofit and sustainable home improvements.

  • Duration: This course is 2.5 hours long, providing a concise yet thorough exploration of green home technologies.
  • Location: SERT, 3500 Parkway, Whiteley, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 7AL (free parking, tea and coffee included).
  • When: Flexible scheduling options are available, including sessions outside standard working hours to accommodate busy professionals.

Course Testimonials


The Retrofit Academy offer outstanding training opportunities and are dedicated to individuals enhancing their skills. The team are all extremely supportive and passionate about what they do. I highly recommend

Sofia Gentile

Quality resources and really friendly team. Highly recommend

Johnathan Williams

Book Now

To secure your place on Retrofit FREE introductory course please complete the form below. After completing the form one of our team will contact you with available course dates and then confirm your place.